Your Porn Habits May Go Public
even this guy isn’t safe. img via jimfairthorne
Time to do a complete swipe of your laptops, everyone. According to Gawker, “U.S. companies are tracking porn downloads from networks like BitTorrent, and experts say they are easy prey for hackers.”
ACS: Law, an anti-piracy firm in the UK, has for a while used less than admirable tactics to hunt down illegal downloaders, including sending threatening letters demanding payment. Unfortunately, their last attempt was not appreciated by the internet’s most tech-savvy militia, 4chan. In what they called “Operation: Payback is a B-tch,” 4chaners raided the site, bringing it down, and then released all the personal information the firm had collected, including names, addresses, and downloads, to the public. Talk about a PR nightmare.
And now, American porn distributors Larry Flynt Publications and Adult Copyright Company are seeking the same type of information, hunting down all those who have downloaded or are in possession of pirated pornographic material. 4chan is very likely concocting an evil plan to release this info as we speak, and with their productivity level, I could see both sites information going public within the week.
My advice to you – clear your computer, change your name, and move to Jamaica. Or maybe just go ahead and inform your mom about your Betty White fetish before she finds out herself.
October 1, 2010 @ 7:41 pm
Scary thought thinking that somebody could get and expose that information on you there,