Why Do Young Aussie Men Want LESS SEX?!
According to a recent report by Reuters, a group in Australia polled 4,300 heterosexual men and 4,400 women between the ages of 16 and 64, and one specific portion of the results came back VERY surprisingly.
12% of young Australian men, aged 18 to 24, stated that they would prefer to have LESS sex, a higher percentage than any other age group. The report went on to say that only 31% said that they would like more sex, which an Australian sex professor claimed may be because girls that age are “madly in love and very keen,” which I don’t understand because I speak English.
However, I think there could be several reasons as to why these Young Australian men are saying they want to have less sex, and I have decided to list them here.
1. Not all Australian women look like Nicole Kidman, Miranda Kerr, or Naomi Watts
2. Australian guys aged 18 to 24 can’t read and checked the wrong option on the survey
3. There is something in the water that is causing women to have dangerously high libidos (Aussie vacation, anyone?)
4. There is something in the Beck’s that is making guys have dangerously low libidos (K nevermind about the vacation)
5. Aussie women have notoriously low self-esteem, so they put out like fat chicks (Boy oh boy we’ve been talking about fat sex a lot today)
What do YOU think? Why do you think so many young Australian men want less sex?
May 27, 2011 @ 12:42 am
Om gosh.. on all 1-5 and you’re a fool.. guys in general say they want it all the time it’s just b\s because I have a high libido.. and when I’m datin\in a relatoinship I must fucked really good a min.. of 3 times in one night.. and at least 2-3 times a week..
As for the fat thing dude please.. you know you want a piece of that.. fat chicks don’t have low self esteem.. guys actully prefer fat chicks on the down low.. (I’m not fat at least not yet) and there’s nothing wrong w\ that..
As for females not looking like Nicole Kidman hello what female would want to look like her yes she has a nice face but that’s it.. she has a 100% boy body no tits no ass no hips no nothing..give me some Alicia Keys or Selma Hayek (think I spelled her last name wrong) then you’re talking.. ;-)