You Date Online, Can You Break Up Online Too?

In the Zoom era, everything from first interviews to first dates have gone virtual. But if you’re swapping stories and maybe even strip teases over the internet, you might be wondering if its okay to end things via email, chat, or text too… experts say it depends:
Breaking up virtually should be the last resort, said Carmelia Ray, a celebrity matchmaker and online dating expert, but it depends “on how long you’ve been in the relationship and if you care how you leave the other person. Because sometimes, when people are done, they’re done ? and they no longer have consideration for the other person. Is that nice for the other person? No. But does it work for the person breaking up who no longer cares? Yes.”
If you aren’t able to see your significant other in person for a prolonged period of time because of finances or lack of opportunity, breaking up with them through whichever method is quickest can be the most considerate because you don’t want them hanging onto hope when they could be moving on.
So, if you CAN do it the old fashioned way, break up face-to-face to give them the modicum of respect. But sometimes, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.