WTF of the Day: Adult Babies
You guys, sometimes I worry about myself in this job. I sit here for several hours, hunting for the weirdest, strangest, most WTF junk on the internet to show you, but sometimes it ends up giving me horrific nightmares. And I can’t go back to my normal life at night. And no matter what I do I can’t take my mind off the fact that there are completely crazy people walking the streets around me and what if they serve me my food at McDonalds and I don’t realize that they right before they made my Big Mac they had to TAKE OFF THEIR DIAPER THAT THEY WEAR AROUND THE HOUSE BECAUSE THEY ARE AN ADULT BABY?
Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go watch my eyes, mouth, and ears with Clorox.
May 6, 2011 @ 6:35 pm
I try my best to live by the “live and let live” philosophy. I stumbled upon this website and discussion and I have to admit….. I too am an adult baby!
It’s kind of unsettling to so many harsh and hateful comments. I am a 33 yr old normal framed male and I have had this fetish since I can remember. Just as gay people and transgendered people don’t wake up one day and say, “Oh, i think today I’ll chose to be different and ridiculed my whole life”, I didn’t wake up one day and decide to have this darn attraction to diapers and/or acting as a child which obviously makes me a bit weird from vanilla standards. No, it’s something, like I said, that I had known was an attraction for me since I can remember. I didn’t ask for it, it is just there and apart of me and who i am.
Let me tell you who I am or what type of person I am……
I have and carry a full time prominent position in managing an office and oversee other employees. I work no less than 50hrs a week. I support myself and my family as a man should.
I have a wife of 3 yrs and a 13yr old son whom I raise. My wife knows and participates, of course my son does not know.
I am educated and do well for myself.
I Volunteer my time a minimum of 6 hours a week for charitable causes around my city.
I am a homeowner and a law abiding citizen and no different than your next door neighbor.
I have a very outgoing personality, never had a hard time making friends or meeting women, and I am an outdoor enthusiast.
I am your all around normal guy.
My point here is to show you all I’m not this weird sadistic twisted individual you make this gentleman above out to be. Where is i certainly don’t agree w/ him living off our tax dollars I could care less what that man does in the privacy of his own home behind closed doors if it does not negatively affect others. Why all the hate an anger?
My wife and I actually hold a munch and/or parties in our city for people w/ this fetish. Have for 1 yr exactly now. Last saturday we had 36 others come! We meet in restaurants or our home while my son is at his mothers. You would not be able to tell any of us apart from your normal everyday Joe Blow. One thing most of us have in common is a horrible unloving childhood but this is not always the case. I can not speak for others but my hellish childhood did 2 things to me that I either couldn’t or want to reverse. That is this fetish and yearning for the comfort and love a baby receives or should receive, and it made me a better father to and for my son. It taught me how not to treat a child.
I’m simply trying to make you all see that I and most like me are not people to be angry at or fearful of or grossed out by. There are literally THOUSANDS of fetishes out there and they get a lot worse. I thank god this was the only one I have, lol. What I do behind my closed doors and out of the public eye and that of my child is my business and harms no one. So why be so judgmental and angry over it? I just don’t get it I guess.
You might like something out of the norm be it spanking or overly aggressive sex, or something that if you were to open your bedroom doors and let people see would be a turn off to them as well. Keep that in mind. Don’t throw such hurtful stones if you in your own way live in the proverbial glass house.
It is a fetish people w/ literally tens of thousands of people world wide. will show you that.
Too each their own and live and let live.
Would you leave your spouse, the one you loved and know to be a good fella if he had to confess a dark secret as this to you? Just curious.