Would You Use an App to Find a Threesome?
Oh wait, let’s rewind. Sorry, it’s Monday.
First off, would you ever have a threesome with a stranger(s), period? Well, if you’re down for a no-strings-attached menage-a-trois, then you should probably start following the progress of a new app called 3nder (contender for the worst app name ever?), which promises to set up curious singles with horny couples for threesomes galore!
Although it’s not yet available for download, Jezebel explains that “like other hookup apps like Tinder and Pure, users on 3nder won’t be able to communicate with each other unless both parties have expressed mutual attraction. Once that’s established, amorous couples and game singles can meet each other and bone till the cows come home.”
Jezebel goes on to note that many hook up apps have had difficulty getting women to join, which is going to be a problem unless guys are looking for Frank Underwood-style 2 Ds one V threesomes. In which case, GOOD FOR YOU!
Also, although I’m sure it doesn’t need repeating, it’s totally possible to find singles on OBC that are down for sexy-time trio. And WE, unlike 3nder, have several million members already waiting. ;)
Image via Flypaper Magazine
February 27, 2014 @ 4:14 am
We’ll certainly be on the lookout for THIS App! ;-)