Would You Get a Vasectomy?

In an age where “family planning” is in the forefront of peoples’ minds and they worry about the possibility of birth control failing, many men are seeking out a more permanent solution to ensure they don’t get anyone pregnant: vasectomy. However, a wide swath of male patients are understandably nervous to put their most sensitive body part under the knife.
Over on BuzzFeed, they’re sharing the story of a young man who underwent the procedure, and who shared how seemingly simple and virtually pain-free it was for him – inspiring more men like him to say YES to the laser. Via BuzzFeed:
Keith Laue is a 23-year-old content creator from Austin, Texas who recently went viral for sharing the details of his vasectomy procedure on TikTok.
In Keith’s video — which currently has over 3 million views — he breaks down his personal experience getting a vasectomy, including before, after, and during the procedure. First, he had a phone consultation that was “super easy” where they answered any questions he had and set up his appointment for a few weeks following the call.
On the big day, he was given Valium by the clinic to help calm any anxiety he might have. During the vasectomy, he received local anesthesia and was awake for the entire procedure, “but it only lasted 10–15 minutes, so it wasn’t that bad.”
Following his vasectomy, Keith says he didn’t work out for about a week. For the first three days, he took ibuprofen, iced the area, and “didn’t really move too much,” but after that he was basically back to normal and “good to go.”
So — if you’re thinking of making the leap yourself to ensure you don’t accidentally end up with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy on your hands – head over to BuzzFeed to learn more about Keith’s experience and decide if it’s right for you too!