Worst Date Ever Stories

Sometimes dates go incredibly. You hit it off, laugh, have fun, hook up – and are stoked to see them again (or not!). Sometimes though, the opposite happens and your date goes about as well as a plane crash.
Over on Reddit (via BuzzFeed), people shared stories from their worst ever dates, and hooo-weee are they rough.
“Over dinner, he was on his second glass of wine and started crying over his ex-wife. In fact, it was his two ex-wives.”
“I was set up on a blind date with a guy. He took me to a party where I knew no one. He then proceeded to flirt with every girl in the room and even left with another girl.”
“A guy picked me up on his motorcycle to take me back to his place. He pulled up to a shed by the house so I could get off, and he could store the bike, right? Wrong. The shed was his room. (This could already be a horror story, but we’re talking about the worst date, not a near-death experience. ) He invited me in where there was only one place to sit — a recliner, which he sat in, before offering me a place on his lap. I chose to sit on a crate instead. He shared his airplane bottle of mouthwash-flavored vodka with me and, within maybe 15 minutes, said I looked like I wanted him to kiss me. I really had to pee, so he took me to the house on the property, which was his mom’s. She was watching TV on the couch, and when I came out of the bathroom, he ushered me over to sit and chat with her. I requested a ride back home shortly after that. The next day, I texted something, saying I felt we were incompatible, and wished him well. He said, ‘Your loss.'”
“Had a guy ask me if I was into anal before we even sat down for dinner.”
“He was just a very awkward guy, which would’ve been fine if he didn’t act like an Uber driver. He came to pick me up, and when I went to get in the front seat, he said no and made me sit in the back behind his seat. It was super weird, not the biggest deal, but something about the way he did it just made me feel super uncomfortable.”
“It was 3 p.m. one Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t tell if he had a super bad hangover…or was already drunk. Or both. I lasted 20 minutes before texting my sister to call me with an ’emergency.'”
And then this one, which might be the worst one ever: