World’s Fastest Amphibious Vehicle
I took a trip to New York City in 2004, and along with the Broadway plays, visits to the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty, and necessary Times Square photo shoot, there was one thing I wanted to do – ride that half-boat, half-bus thing that tours you around the city via water AND land. All my silly tourist NYC dreams came true, except the duck boat. I have dreamed of it ever since.
Until now, that is, when I found out that a man named Marc Witt created a totally NUTSO version of the boat-bus in the form of the “Sea Lion,” an amphibious vehicle that has broken records to become the fastest one of its kind. Using a Mazda Rotary 13B engine, the Sea Lion is capable of going 125 miles per hour on land and 65 in the water. Now THAT would be an awesome tour boat. Now if only I had $260,000 to shell out to buy this bad boy, we’d be set!
Check out this awesome video of the Sea Lion in action, set to a dramatic Mozart score. It’s like watching the part of a movie where an otherwise nice guy becomes a villain, except in this case a car is becoming a boat. You know, same thing.