Women Prefer Pets Over Sex
For every great story about sex, there’s an equally depressing one that makes us cry into our Jack Daniels, and this is the latter – according to Honey Money: The Power Of Erotic Capital by leading academic Catherine Hakim, nearly a third of British women have low or non-existent sex drives. She claims that despite the feminist idea that women can be as sexually liberated as men, the truth of the matter is many naturally just don’t enjoy sex as much (seems to counteract the last sex news post from Jezebel, don’t it?).
Furthermore, when it came to things that make women truly happy, only a quarter of women said that sex was one of em. Instead, owning a pet was the most reported answer at 42%. Sad, right? I mean sure, I’m one of those people that treats my dog like a child, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love a naughty romp just as much!
The additional findings are not any less depressing – Hakim says that women rate their body image and appearance above having sex as things that are important to them, and women over the age of 30 report their sex lives dropping off dramatically. Plus – of women in a relationship, after two years they report desiring sex significantly less.
I think this has less to do with women’s natural sex drive than the external issues barraging women and sex. The fact that women care more about their appearance than sex is proof of that – considering porn overflows with unattainable, unnatural bodies, it makes sense that women would stress more about becoming those women instead of enjoying sex for all its non-visual glory. Plus, we can’t forget that there is an overwhelming population of men who believe that sex is 100% about their own pleasure, leading to women convinced that sex is an obligation.
Either that or y’all are just prudes. (I think I’ll go with the former.)
Via TheDailyMail
August 19, 2011 @ 8:00 am
Those women want a battery operated boyfriend like mine. She looks @ sex like im trying to hurt her