Women Say Men With Cats are “Less Masculine”

Or at least that’s what a new study seems to suggest – according to recent research, men holding cats in their profile pics are kind of a turn off to women! Via TheNextWeb:
In the survey, we presented [women] with photos of one of two young white men in their early 20s either posing alone or with a cat.
Most of the women found the men holding cats to be less dateable. This result surprised us, since previous studies had shown that women found men with pets to have higher potential as partners. They also thought the men holding cats were less extroverted and more neurotic, agreeable, and open. Importantly, they saw these men as less masculine, too.
Interesting! So, though you may think that holding a cat in your profile says “single guy, good with animals, loves… uh… “kitty”… it actually might scream “single guy, lives with mom, enjoys dressing up his cats in scarves for tea parties”.
So our tip today? Maybe consider letting Mr. Cuddles sit this photoshoot out.