Woman Claims to Have Gotten Pregnant From 3-D Porn
Okay. I need you to sit down for this.
Think back, do you remember the movie Me, Myself, and Irene, with Jim Carrey and Renee Lemondrop Face? Yes? Now do you remember how the whitest-of-all-men Jim Carrey genuinely believed he impregnated his wife with these kids?

And remember how it was a movie? And we all laughed and laughed cause it was a funny joke that a movie made?
Well guess what? Something even more hilarious happened in New York City, and this time it’s not a movie. A white woman named Jennifer Stewart from New York City, who is married to a white man stationed at a military base in Iraq, recently gave birth to an adorable black baby. You might assume that she cheated on her husband, BUT YOU WOULD BE WRONG, IDIOT.
According to Jennifer, she and some friends went to see a porn in 3-D in New York City, and that just a few weeks later, she began feeling sick, took a pregnancy test, and LO AND BEHOLD, her eggo was preggo.
She claims that the baby that popped out 9 months later looks exactly like the actor in the porn, and because it was in 3-D, the actor must have knocked her up. Luckily her husband has the same mental capacity as her, as he was quoted saying, “I see it as suspicious. The films in 3-D are very real. With today’s technology, anything is possible.”
In other news, toilet seat gets woman pregnant.
Full Story @ PopJolly
May 9, 2010 @ 12:18 pm
the chick got with a black dude come on!! next!
May 7, 2010 @ 2:13 pm
Okay, I sat down for this as you told me to. But unfortunately, I sat on a toilet seat! You and I are having a baby! I expect my child support check promptly!
You rogue! :-D