Which Couples Have the Most Sex?

As a website catering to singles who embrace sexuality and #TheSingleLife, we might be a bit biased about the sexual appetites of Americans. So this new study that focused on the sex habits of different types of couples was interesting — and reminded us that not all couplings are equal when it comes to their bedroom life. Via Psychology Today:
So which couples have more sex? To test which couples show the highest sex frequency, responses from 3,207 survey participants from Germany were examined. The respondents, aged 32-46, answered a very detailed questionnaire concerning their relationships and intimate lives.
The results show that among the seven sub-groups measured, the order from those with the highest sex frequency to the lowest was as follows (Note that this is a rough estimation because it is all relative to a reference group — married people — and there is a chance that two groups ranked next to each other will not show a statistically significant difference).
1. Divorced/separated who live apart together (LAT) with a new partner
2. Never-married who live apart together (LAT)
3. Divorced/separated currently cohabiting with a new partner
4. Never-married who cohabit with their partner
5. Married individuals (who live together)
6. Divorced/separated single with no partner
7. Never-married single with no partner
This list shows that one needs to have a partner in order to show high levels of sex frequency. But once one has a partner, committing and living together reduces sex frequency significantly. The regressions account, of course, for demographic and socioeconomic variables such as age, gender, income, education, number of kids (if any), and more.
Interesting! We wonder when it comes to “Living Apart Together” — do non-committed couples count? Cause we can tell you – OBC members are having a LOT of sex.