What is the “Kivin” Method?

“Kivin” might sound like what an Aussie called a guy named “Kevin”, or some new IKEA couch, but it’s actually an oral sex technique that you might need to try this weekend. Via Yahoo:
The most important aspect to note about the Kivin method is not necessarily the technique, as much as the position. “The Kivin method is a way to perform oral sex [where the giver] is essentially sideways,” sex educator Javay Frye-Nekrasova tells POPSUGAR. In this method, the person giving the oral sex is perpendicular to the receiver, forming a sort of “T” shape. The receiver is on their back, and the giver comes in from the side and above the thighs.
The method also involves certain movements with the hands and tongue. “The Kivin method is done with a flicking of the tongue and pressure on the perineum,” says Marla Renee Stewart, professional sexologist and founder of Velvet Lips Sex Ed. This is easily accomplished thanks to the sideways position of the giver; when they come in from the side, they have the ability to flick their tongue side to side across the clitoral hood and vulva, rather than up and down. That action can be paired with a finger putting gentle pressure on the receiver’s perineum, aka the spot between the vagina and the anus. This provides a whole different type of stimulation that can be pleasurable for the receiver.
Shaped like a T, huh? Sounds like you need to ask your next booty call if they wanna come over “for some tea and Netflix,” huh?