Welcome to BootyCall U!
This is the official blog of OnlineBootyCall.com, the dating site where singles enjoy being single.

BootyCall U is a celebration of the single lifestyle, the joy of casual dating, and of course, booty! So while you wait for those booty calls, check in here for the latest happenings at OBC and be sure to peek at our articles, featured videos, and non-stop ruckus. The party never stops at OBC!
We’re replacing our old blogs and bringing you the freshest OBC content on the street. You’ll be able to see our commercials we currently run nation-wide, all of our parties (watch out for Labor Day weekend), and we’ll even feature testimonials and winners of our monthly cash contest. Ocassionally, we might even introduce and discuss the new features we’re adding to OBC. There are some fun items coming up so stay tunedwater walking ball!
We hope you enjoy reading our shenanigans. We decided we have way too much fun to not to share it with you all.
Cheers and welcome to Booty Call U!
PS : If you are an OBC member and you have questions about your account or anything regarding the site, please go to the HELP section at OnlineBootyCall.com/faq or send us a support request on the site. The fastest way to get your questions answered is to use our OBC support team.