Weed + Sex = ?

It’s 2021 and we live in a world where thankfully many states have legalized the plant. Which means lots of people are learning about the joys of stoned sex instead of drunk sex, which as we know can be terrible.
And turns out, using cannabis during sex can help even people who previously suffered from pain during intercourse. GREAT NEWS!
First, let’s take a look at this study (“The Perceived Effects of Marijuana Use Before Sex”) from 2017 that aimed to determine if users believed that marijuana use before sex affected the sexual experience, by how much, and which domains of sexual function were affected.
Of 289 respondents, 33% had used marijuana prior to sex. Of those, 65% of respondents believed marijuana made the sexual experience more pleasurable, 11% believed it did not, and 24% didn’t know. Of those who believed that marijuana use before sex made the sexual experience more pleasurable, 53% said it always did, 32% said it sometimes did, and only 3% believed that marijuana use before sex made sex less pleasurable. 60% of respondents believed that ingesting marijuana before sex increased their sex drive, 23% reported no change, and 16% didn’t know. 53% of users believed marijuana before sex made orgasm more pleasurable, while 18% reported no change, 26% didn’t know, and just 2% believed that it made orgasm less pleasurable.
Of the respondents who reported a more pleasurable orgasm, 78% of users reported it did so by a lot or a moderate amount. 26% reported an increase in vaginal lubrication, and 31% reported no change in vaginal lubrication. Only 14% of respondents had used marijuana before sex to decrease pain, and of those, 77% reported that pain was decreased by a lot or a moderate amount. Women who used marijuana before sex and women who did not use marijuana before sex did not differ significantly in overall health, sexual health, level of desire, satisfaction with orgasm, or the degree of pain.
Happy Friday – if you live in a state with legal weed, we hope you have a stoney, sexy weekend.