Vulva Necklace: NO THANKS (NSFW)
BuzzFeed recently compiled a collection of some of the most grotesque looking forms of jewelry, and while we were definitely grossed out by the pimple ring, because WTF, we were more repulsed by the accessory above – an otherwise cool looking pendent destroyed by creepiness with the addition of the outer lips of a vagina.
If this was purely a novelty item, we would probably laugh and sort of revel at the intricacy and detail. That thing seriously looks like a lady’s fun region. However, if this is something that someone is actually supposed to wear (and I’m quite sure it is), the once again vagina art just garners a hearty dose of NO THANK YOU.
May 29, 2011 @ 9:21 am
Oh hayl naw, we LOVE vaginas! ;) Anyway, fair enough. We always appreciate another viewpoint. Thanks for commenting.
May 28, 2011 @ 10:52 am
If you don’t want to wear a vagina necklace, don’t. No need to put down the person who worked hard on it. It’s just as easy to praise someone for trying to celebrate the vagina (or the vulva, really) as it is to ridicule them for it.
As for the book, you’d be surprised at the amount of full grown women who don’t even know what their vagina looks like because they’ve been taught that it’s ugly, dirty or shameful. Any book that encourages women to embrace their body is ok by me.
I still think it’s a little hypocritical for a booty call blog to be all “Vaginas, eww!”, but to each his own.
May 28, 2011 @ 8:34 am
if we have to prove our sexual freedom by dangling a ceramic model of our vaginas from our necks, doesn’t that kind of negate the point? see:
May 27, 2011 @ 10:48 pm
Repulsed by human anatomy, really? This is Booty Call University we’re talking about it. So much for sexual freedom.
May 27, 2011 @ 12:49 am
Ok I have not seen many vulvas.. except mines and the few on some porn videos and that one up there just does not look right.. it looks like it’s dieing or something ewh.. I’m straight I think some women ar hot.. but that thing up there just makes me want to never try to go to the other side… UGH!!