Usher Gets Ass Handed To Him For Parking in Handicap Spot
Is it a story of a spoiled celebrity finally getting the narcissism beat out of them? Or a tale of Southern racism in full swing? We may never know for sure, although I’d like to believe it’s the former.
According to the Superficial, R&B singer Usher stopped by the Little 5 Point Halloween Parade in Atlanta this past weekend, but when he was unable to find a spot close enough to the action, he pulled his rich-mobile into a handicap spot right in front, probably assuming that no one would care because “OMG Usher Love in this Club AAAHHHHHHH.” Unfortunately that’s not how it went down at all, as one middle-aged woman approached him and “demanded” that he move his car. When he refused, the interaction got a little more, well… action:
She went ballistic … screaming, flailing her arms, and grabbing Usher’s hoodie.
At one point, she screams, “You don’t belong here!”
Sources say the woman’s husband eventually dragged her away from the scene — and Usher drove away not long after.
Woof. Still assuming, of course, that this is solely a woman protecting the sanctity of blue parking spots and NOT a racist whack-job, I say, HAHAHAHA. Finally, an entitled celeb gets what’s comin’ to him. Sure, the lady could have chosen some better words than “you don’t belong here,” but hey – she’s just a woman protecting the sanctity of blue parking spots, right? RIGHT?
Here’s the video of the action, via TMZ:
October 30, 2011 @ 7:40 pm
What great parenting! the man is trying to hold her back with a child in his hands….And listen carefully the child is screaming “MOMMY”….What a great parent…Instead of being worried about a parking spot take car of your child. Don’t be worried about other’s…And lovely the husband had a drink in his hand…The woman was racist as could be….She did not care about a parking spot…she cared that a black man was around. Honestly it’s women like her that give other’s a bad name… People are pathetic…SMH