Unrealistic Movie Sex Tropes

We love a sexy steamy movie or TV show (Outlander, we’re looking at you), but have to admit that many things you see on the big screen just aren’t happening in real life, and are just fun to watch — and maybe roll your eyes at. Over on BuzzFeed, people shared the most unrealistic situations that always seem to find their way into movie and TV show sex scenes – and they are SO true.
Foreplay is virtually nonexistent.
But despite this, sex is always good…
Morning breath just doesn’t exist.
Every single position, no matter how obscure, works seamlessly.
Bras must be kept on at all times.
Losing your virginity is a really romantic, monumental moment.
Removing clothes is super easy.
Tabletop sex is a frequent and enjoyable activity.
Ladies always wrap themselves up in a sheet after sex…
…or the man’s oversized shirt.
The more you can’t stand someone, the better the sex will be.