Ultimate Boner Killer
Do YOU have a problem with porn? Watch it morning, noon, and night? Have problems sleeping because you’re thinking about the next weird fetish you could type into your search bar? Do your friends and family constantly find used tissues and haphazard bottles of lotion around your desk or laptop?
With the Boner Killer video, you will never again look at porn the same way… each sexually charged moan will instead make you cringe in disgust… and it just takes 48 quick seconds: sit down and watch the video below which features a menopausal, wrinkly German woman providing the voice overs and sound effects for a hot porn video.
You will watch her
-make twisted, sexual faces that will make your balls retract into your stomach!
-recreate the sounds of what SHOULD BE AWESOME oral sex by sucking on her thumb in the most repulsive way possible!
And you will, of course, get very close up close-ups of this elderly woman’s deeply wrinkled face as she simulates the sound of sex with her 80-year-old zombie hands and frighteningly moist mouth.
Whether it’s for you or a gift for your teen son, the Boner Killer video will improve ANY case of masturbation-addiction. Click TODAY to immediately ruin porn for the rest of your LIFE!
5 Reasons December is Made For Booty Calls | Booty Call U
December 1, 2011 @ 10:09 pm
[…] hell that it is already December. I mean, it seems like just yesterday I was gagging back vomit at this video and wondering when the hell “winning” was going to end (by the way, it ended, right? […]
February 11, 2011 @ 6:42 pm
that wasn’t bad at all.
February 11, 2011 @ 6:24 pm
nice try, but this only ruins german porn for me!