Uh, WTF is Vabbing?

It’s 2022, and you just never know what strange craze is gonna hit social media. This week, it’s “vabbing”, which is a combination of “vagina” and “Dabbing” — but if you like us are STILL confused as to what this is, I’ll let BuzzFeed take the wheel from here:
As you can probably guess by the name, vabbing is the practice of dabbing your vaginal secretions on the parts of your body where you’d normally apply perfume. It’s supposedly a way to attract a mate.
Uhhhh, say WHA?
The so-called logic behind the phenomenon is this: Vaginal secretions contain pheromones, which are reported to play a huge role in mating for animals.
On TikTok, many people have now posted about their experiences with vabbing, including a woman named Julia Sena, who goes by the username @jewlieah on the platform. In one clip that now has over 3.9 million views, she says, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but vabbing works.”
She claims that immediately after vabbing guys starting approaching her, buying her drinks, and giving her gifts. Do you think it’s from the vaginal discharge she applied to her wrists? I guess we’ll never really know. Read more about safe vabbing at BuzzFeed.