Try This BDSM Practice for Better Casual Sex

You may not be into whips, chains, and pain, but even vanilla-sex lovers should get on board with the BDSM practice of “aftercare”. Via BuzzFeed:
Aftercare might involve offering your partner a snack or something to drink, cuddling with them, giving them a compliment, having a good conversation, watching a movie or tending to any minor injuries sustained during the BDSM “scene” (that is, the time in which two or more partners are participating in agreed-upon BDSM activities). You might also talk about what you each enjoyed — or didn’t — about the experience. What you choose to include in your aftercare practice may vary depending on your individual preferences.
“Aftercare is definitely not just for BDSM scenes or sex,” Play said. “It’s also something that should be done in casual sex, in my opinion.”
Open communication and care – what a novel idea! So — whether you’re wearing a gimp suit or just enjoying the CAT position, don’t be afraid to open up and cuddle after your booty call. It’s good for everyone!