Trojan Handing Out Free Sex Toys in NYC
Who’d have thought Thursday, the most boring, blue-ballsy day of the week, would be chock full of stories about sex toys? Not I, but apparently it’s National Sex Toy week, because according to Gawker, Trojan has taken to the streets of NYC with “hot dog carts” to pass out some 10,000 free vibrators to passersby.
“What we’re doing is taking something like a hot dog cart that is so everyday and so mainstream, and we’re showing people that vibrators are mainstream,” Trojan’s VP for marketing Bruce Weiss told the New York Times.
New Yorkers are able to locate the carts, which are slapped with silly phrases like “getcha vibes here” and “relish the moment,” by accessing Trojan’s Facebook page.
SNL, fashion, 4 am nightclubs… you New Yorkers really get it all, huh? ENJOY YOUR TRASH SMELLING SUMMER, JERKS.