Top 10 Worst Parts of Having a Penis

There are pros and cons to everything, including having an appendage that makes it just about assured that you’ll orgasm during sex. Over on Reddit, guys are sharing the WORST parts about having a penis, and we admit, the ladies at OBC hadn’t thought of a lot of these!
- “Random boners during puberty. I know it’s a trope, but having to walk around while you have a throbbing erection is not great.”
- “The fact that it’s small.” Ed. note: aw man :(
- “When you’re like “I’ll stand up to pee in the toilet” and the pee stream decides to fork into two unconceivable directions and the only way to get either in the toilet is for one to shoot across the room and get on the floor or run down your leg.”
- “Its picky about temperature change.”
- “How you have to intentionally avoid feeling good during sex because you might orgasm too quickly, instead of just being able to enjoy it. It’s frustrating.”
- “Having to pee at stadiums. I don’t care what anyone says, I hate standing inches from two guys I don’t know why we all urinate with a hoard of dudes watching us.”
- “It seems that I have enough blood flow for either my brain or my penis and sometimes that leads to poor decision making”
- “No matter how much you shake it after peeing, there will still be a drip.”
- “Sitting on your balls more and more as you age. The penis is great though.”
- “It’s hard sometimes for no reason.”