Top 10 Cities Where Women Value Sex Most
Now THIS is a good survey! According to TheHuffingtonPost, dating site performed a survey asking 10 million singles whether they thought sex was essential in a relationship. Once all the information was compiled, the dating site, along with biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, shared the top 10 list of cities where women “strongly agreed” that sex is a very important part of a relationship.
The results show what we’ve always known – California girls are the most sexually liberated and powerful in the UNIVERSE 50 contiguous United States. Take THAT, East Coasters!
10. Pasadena, CA
9. Oakland, CA
8. Boulder, CO
7. New York, NY
6. Portland, ME
5. Seattle, WA
4. Scottsdale, AZ
3. San Francisco, CA
2. West Hollywood, CA
1. Santa Monica, CA