This Woman is Voting For Mitt Romney
Last night was the Vice Presidential debate between current VPOTUS “Papa” Joe Biden and republican VP nominee Paul Ryan. Unlike the Mitt Romney/President Obama debate (which was generally considered to be “won” by Mitt Romney), this debate was, by many, thought to be dominated by the democratic nominee. Joe’s drunk-uncle-who-is-actually-pretty-smart-but-kind-of-a-dick method of debating beat out Ryan, who seemed like he didn’t really know the details of his own economic plan. Many criticized Biden for interrupting his opponent, and laughing condescendingly throughout the debate, but for the most part, Democrats were more satisfied with his performance than Obama’s meek attempt against Mitt last week.
This morning, of course, the internet is divided. Which candidate pairing is going to pull the country out of an economic slump? Whose tax plan will help the middle class? Whose wife wears sweaters better? Who is tailoring Paul Ryan’s suits because they should be fired?
However, I personally don’t have any questions about who I’ll be voting for on November 5th. Not only have I recently learned that Obama is a communist (I studied it out and did my homework), but this woman, this brilliant, inspiring, normally dressed woman, has told me why to vote for Mitt Romney. My decision is made.
October 13, 2012 @ 11:10 am
Are you for real? She’s voting for him cause she thinks he’s hot and she calls her cat “mitt” for short? If this young woman represents our future, I think I may just take myself out now. This is the state of our country, where important issues like who should run our country is based on how tanned you are or your fashion sense. I’m so afraid…