This Crappy Camaro Cost $150,000
See that thing? The thing that looks like it might have come from Grand Theft Auto after running over three hookers and crashing into several other vehicles? That thing? That piece of s*** up there? Yep. That one. It costs $150,000. This is not a joke, I am not kidding.
It’s apparently called a “rat-rod,” and it debuted at this years Hot Rod Magazine’s Power Tour. According to its creators, Dave Sherer and Anthony Musilli, they destroyed the 1000-HP, brand new Camaro for one reason: “Because no one else has the balls to do it. Everyone else is making them clean.”
Huh. Weird. How strange that when someone was dropping a large (some might say exorbitant) sum of money on an upscale vehicle, that they MAYBE might SORT OF want it to be shiny and not like someone pooped in it at a junkyard. This is exactly the mentality designers had when they started tearing apart perfectly good pairs of jeans for the ‘destructed’ look, except in the case of the jeans they were like, $200, not over a hundred grand.
I don’t mean to sound ignorant of your car-pimping skills, guys, but I also don’t think rusting, denting, and scuffing up a perfectly gorgeous Camaro is GROUND-BREAKING or REVOLUTIONARY or DARING, I think it’s the dumbest waste of a chunk of change that I’ve ever seen. And that’s saying something, because I’ve seen the movie Transformers.
May 11, 2011 @ 3:29 pm
They can have my car. I’ll tale the pig pay for a smashed up car. Hell I have one in the back yard. They can have that one two. I am good at smashing cars. I would be rich