Things You Don’t Need: A Sex Toy Drive-Through
Hey, I’m the first to admit that sometimes “The Urge” comes, and there is just really nothing that is going to stop you from, well, “popping one off.” That’s one of the many times it’s extremely convenient to have a booty call waiting, because you can give them a ring (or send a booty call message on OBC) and meet up with them at any time to “take care of business.”
So sure, I can see how a strategically placed sex shop can be helpful: right off the freeway perhaps, or in a highly populated metropolitan area… perfect for a discreet run in for condoms or sexy lingerie or whatever. However, I feel like nearing the top of the list of Things You Don’t Need is this business located in Huntsville, Alabama: Pleasures, the sex shop complete with a drive-through for quick, stealthy transactions. Even more Unneeded: three separate lanes, in case of, you know… rush hour… or… something…?
I think I’ll stick to walking in and walking out with a little black bag, thanks. No need to have some creepy old sex-shop employee hurling lube at my driver’s side window.
Fun fact: sex toys are actually illegal in Alabama. I wonder if this is like, a speed trap, but instead called a “kink trap.” NO KINKINESS ALLOWED!
November 10, 2010 @ 3:02 pm
Genius! It’s probably a re-purposed bank building with the vacuum system pre-installed.