Things That Shock Women About Penises
You can always count on Redditors to share some LOL moments of sexual realization – and that was certainly the case in this thread:
“Women, what surprised you the most the first time you saw or played with a penis?”
Here are some of the funniest responses, via BuzzFeed:
“BALL SKIN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING. Surreal. It’s like a moving Magic Eye painting.”
“[I thought] it had ribs. I was confused as hell, it really felt like there were bones in there. Only later did I realize that it was the condoms we used that had those structures on it. Took a while for me to get used to the fact that dicks usually don’t have ribs…”
“Saw a ‘grower, not a show-er’ and was super impressed by the size when erect compared to flaccid.”
“That it sort of floated in a bath…I didn’t expect that.”
“The veins!”
“How completely floppy and structureless it is when soft. I always want to flop it around like those gel sparkle stress toy tubes from the ’90s.”
“It can jump on its own.”