The World’s Most Sexually Progressive Tribe?
Forget the Bahamas or Belize, we want to go live in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh, home to the Bison-Horn Maria tribe – the most sexually progressive maybe on Earth. Via VICE:

According to Grigson, the Bison-Horn Maria also do not place “any value on premarital chastity.” Moreover, premarital sex is considered even “necessary to determine compatibility before marriage.” Their flexible conventions related to marriage, procreation, and sex only reflect the same. Sawhney said these ideas hold true to this day.
In his book, Grigson cited the example of a marriage he witnessed, where the bride and groom both fell in love with other people during the course of their betrothal ceremonies that went on for weeks. He detailed how they ended up having sex with their respective lovers to assess their compatibility and, once satisfied with the results, had their marriage annulled. It is quite telling that India decriminalised the colonial-era law of adultery only three years ago, holding the disproportionately sexist provisions of the law to be “arbitrary and conspicuously absurd.”
Now this sounds like a tribe we’d like to be a part of.