The World Cup Drinking Game
YOU GUYS. The World Cup is in like 2 weeks! Aren’t you so excited?! I AM SO EXCITED.
Okay, I’m lying. I had to go to the FIFA website to even figure out when the World Cup started, and to know where it was hosted (South Africa, hey-oh!). However, it would be an understatement to say that every male in the BCU office is pumped for July 11th to be here. After watching the Nike World Cup commercial last week, the dudes were practically drooling all over themselves in hysterical excitement.
I’ve decided that in my best interest to learn the basics of soccer (football, blah blah whatever) before the event starts so I don’t spend the month being ignored in my cubicle, and obviously finding a drinking game for it was my best option.
The best one, found here on Facebook, had some pretty basic rules (that I still don’t understand):
Drink every time the referee blows his whistle
Have a shot for every goal scored by a striker
Drink half a pint for every goal by a midfielder
Finish your drink/drink a pint for any goal by a defender
Have a shot for every yellow card; finish your drink if any player is sent off
And some player specific rules:
Whenever a free kick is given on the edge of the box, the last person to shout “Beckham” must finish their drink
Every time the world “Golden Boot” is mentioned, the last person to shout “Pele” must finish their drink
Everytime theres a handball, last person to shout ‘MARADONNA!’ necks a shot
So using this as my base, I am about to make a two week attempt at learning the basics of the game.
We’ll check back in and let you know how the World Cup drinking game goes down!
May 26, 2010 @ 11:57 am
I’m drunk already…