The Ultimate Olympic Diving Fail
NBC. Home of some of my favorite shows of all time (30 Rock! Parks & Recreation! The Office back when it wasn’t garbage!), and American public enemy number one during the Olympic season.
There are many reasons to be upset with the way NBC has been airing the Olympics, from claims that they ignored other countries triumphs to the station’s unbelievable butchering of the opening ceremonies and awful streaming job. As an American who chooses to live without cable television, though, my biggest irritation is at the fact that due to their insane copyright monitoring, any and all clips uploaded to YouTube are IMMEDIATELY taking it down – making it STRAIGHT UP IMPOSSIBLE to watch clips of anything unless you want to dedicate a full minute to watching terrible GE and Chevy ads. UGHHHHH. I have skipped all but the most exciting events so I don’t have to hear Tim Allen talk about how you’re not a real American unless you driving a Cruze, whatever the hell that is.
However, I am willing to deal with the atrocities of the National Broadcasting Company in order to watch this video, a tragically funny video of German diver Stephan Feck performing what has been dubbed “The Worst Olympic Dive of All Time.” Having a crummy morning? At least you’re not this guy.