The Situation Bombed at the Trump Roast
It’s official, guys, all this internet activity is turning my brain to mush. However, this video was absolutely, unavoidably necessary, because it shows our least favorite of the Jersey Shore crew utterly BOMBING on stage at last night Roast of Donald Trump. I’ve never thought the roasts were all that funny before this… it seemed like they always scraped together a bunch of D-list comedians and had them write some jokes while wasted on painkillers and vodka, but this takes the cake for awfulness.
The question is, WHO in their right might decided that this guy was acceptable to put on stage in from of millions of viewers? He barely has a grasp of the English language, let ALONE the skills to speak it live in front of an audience of pseudo-celebrities. I assume whichever one of the Situation’s handlers let him do this has been fired and/or set on fire.
(Preemptive warning: side effects of watching this video include nausea, vomiting, extreme embarrassment, uncontrollable yelling, and death)