The Outlawz Smoked Tupac’s Ashes
Don’t get me wrong, I am all about love and honor and respect and remembrance of those lost, but I feel like if there IS an after life, if somehow I end up in heaven (hopefully… yikes) watching my friends down below and I see them MIX UP MY ASHES WITH POT AND THEN SMOKE ME TO GET HIGH I would be just a touch more than upset.
This video finally confirms the rumors that have been spreading for years, that the Outlaw Immortalz rolled up a joint full of their dead friends burnt-up flesh because it “was a fitting tribute to a man who had come to epitomise the “gangsta” lifestyle: a vicious, hedonistic blend of drugs, guns, women and cars.” Only now do we know for sure that Tupac’s ashes are probably sticking to the insides of the Outlawz lungs.
So what do you think? Is smoking your dead friend’s ashes a meaningful tribute? Or a totally creepy and generally gross idea?
August 31, 2011 @ 6:58 am
That’s what crack can do to you.