The Microsoft Kinect Makes You Look Epilectic
Everyone seems to be abuzz these days after the announcement at E3 that Microsoft was releasing it’s new controller-less motion sensing system, eliminating the need for a controller all together. Awesome! I mean, how many times a day do you think, sure, this game is fun and all but BOY all this controller holding has got me tuckered out!
Enter Microsoft Kinect, formerly known as Project Natal, which uses infrared technology to track your movements via 46 spots on the body on up to two players, rendering handheld controllers obsolete! So all you have to do is spastically throw your body around your living room and pray you’re doing it right and hope you don’t break anything, like your mom’s priceless vase or your pelvic bone or your friends face.
It also has a full RGB color camera that can capture your image and automatically log you in! No more pesky button pushing, guys! Finally! It also has voice controls so you can get into your Netflix by just saying “Netflix,” which I totally expect to work properly since most voice controls work right, sort of. Right?
I mean, let’s be honest. The Kinect is a weird, unnecessary comeback to the Wii. And at an expected price of $150 bucks, I don’t foresee being the be all, end all of video gaming technology.
But hey, don’t trust me, let’s ask someone else…
Thanks to Gizmodo for their great Miyamoto shot and for giving me just enough information to sound a little less brainless.