The Madonna/Whore Complex

As we’ve seen in the last couple months with the Tiger Woods and Jesse James scandals, there seems to be a very strict divide between the women they want to take home to mom and the women ones men just want to sleep with.
Of course, you say, I don’t need a scientific study to know that! However, did you know that it can be potentially psychologically damning for a man to have these sort of issues? recently discussed the problems that arise from the Madonna/Whore complex, saying it’s extremely difficult for men like this to sustain healthy, long term relationships.
AskMen makes the claim that after a guy gets married to a woman and they have kids, she instantly loses all of her attraction to her and she is no longer a sexual creature to him, so he searches (outside the marriage) for someone who is the opposite of her… highly sexual and non-motherly.
This seems to be the case with both Tiger and Jesse- their chosen mistresses were all either strippers, porn stars, or other highly sexualized beings, unlike their wives who are both very sweet, innocent-looking types.
If you know that you have this complex, getting married probably shouldn’t be at the top of your priority list, so stay single until you’re really ready to settle down! AskMen suggests that if you do decide to get married, it’s important to have a healthy, exciting sex life in order to lessen your chance of cheating.