The Horniest Summer Ever?

We’ve been talking about the Booty Binge that’s to come this summer, but we’re not the only one’s predicting that the upcoming months, post-mass-vaccination, will be chock full of c-… well, you know. Via Refinery29:
Will this be the summer of casual sex? Many people certainly seem to think so, as lots of tweets have been churned out with excitement for a horny, post-vaccination 2021 summer. Since the start of pandemic lockdowns last year, sex has been on a lot of people’s minds, with many of us longing for sexual intimacy, especially those weathering the pandemic alone. It’s to be expected, of course, since the federal government in 2020 advised people who don’t live together to stay apart for the foreseeable future to slow the spread of the deadly virus.
Now that the federal government seems to have a plan to roll out more vaccinations, people are ready to get to it. For the first time in an entire year, there is some hope that we can gather with our families, hug our friends, kiss and cuddle our partners — and make up for lost time hooking up with strangers.
Ready to start gearing up for Summer 2021? Log on to your OBC account and start messaging people now! You never know who might be your breaking-quarantine cutie!