The Great Male Survey

Just a couple days ago we posted a few results of a survey of women, just to get a peek into their hurricane-like brains. And although we generally consider males to be the… er… simpler sex, we figure we’d post this “Great Male Survey” so all the lady-readers can have a quick glance into their counterpart’s skulls. Check out some of the results.
1. Would you dump your girlfriend if she got fat?
- 52% say no
- 48% say yes
Verdict: you’re pretty much looking at a 50/50 situation, so don’t risk it, and try your best to stay in shape (just for your own well being!)
2. How satisfied are you with your sex life?
- 46% say “somewhat, but there is room for improvement”
- 19% say “not at all, because of the lack of quantity”
Verdict: This is bad news, ladies. Retaining an exciting sex life is key to keeping your relationship fun and romantic. Go out and buy something small and lacy and let’s fix this problem!
3. How important is sex in a relationship?
- 52% say “crucial, a relationship cannot survive without good, regular sex”
- Only 3% say “Negligible, relationships can survive without sex”
Verdict: don’t start withholding sex. An insane majority of men put sex in the important to very important category!
4. Would you be offended if a woman faked an orgasm when sleeping with you?
- 52% say “Yes, I would be offended that I wasn’t able to pleasure her”
- 28% say “Yes, I would be offended that she was deceiving me”
Verdict: the evidence is right there. Men would rather you explain to them how they can make you orgasm instead of pretending that they’re doing it right.
5. Is it important for a girlfriend to have “wife potential”?
- 47% say “Somewhat, but I won’t break up with her if I realize that she isn’t”
Verdict: don’t worry about dating a guy that you don’t want to marry, and don’t try to fit the part of his dream girl. Stay true to yourself and have a good time!
Read more of the male survey at