TestiMOANial Tuesday

Sometimes you have a bunch of things to choose from, but one in particular shines so bright that all the others fade into the background. Like a glorious shopping trip where one pair of jeans fit you like a magic glove and are also on sale. Or you’re at the dog pound and you swear this one dog is telepathically communicating with you. Or… maybe you’re at a bar and there are tons of hotties everywhere, but one walking towards you looks like a goddamn angel with a glowing halo around their head, and you’re like “MUST. HAVE.”
Such was the case as we began to pick out our testiMOANials for the day. There were more than usual this week, and we wanted to share them all, but then this one popped up at the end and it was like trumpets-from-heaven, beam-of-light-shining-down-on-my-laptop perfection: exactly what we want from our members. Check it out:
“Well, I started using this site like 3 years ago. I have had the best time meeting people who were looking for the same thing I was looking for. This was the best site I have used even though there were a lot of people on here that were into some very weird things, and I do mean weird.
I have been booty calling with someone I met on here for over a year now. What started as a fling turned into something I never expected to happen! We started talking more and now we are together and very happy!” Female, 25, Jackson, MS
How AWESOME is that, right? A sexually adventurous chica, finding a great booty call on OBC, loving every minute (while noticing that yeah, we got some kinky members), and after a YEAR of hooking up, going for it with a monogamous relationship! It’s like the modern girl’s dream come true!
Plus, we were pretty stoked that she was a 20-something after seeing this morning’s yikes-fest.
Congratulations to our Mississippi darlin’, and to all you people who are still on the fence about joining… we think you have your answer right there ;).