TestiMOANial Tuesday

We’re back with a brand new testiMOANial this week that we’re bummed didn’t show up last week because it probably would have won every single Best-of TestiMOANial Award we offered. The excitement, passion, and romance exuded from this testimonial is just the best, and we truly believe that everyone on OBC can have the same experience with the right mindset:
“You guys are awesome! I met so many chicks and f***ed soapy freaks, and now I’m in love with a girl I met here!” Male, 24, Portland, OR
Talk about a fantastic testimonial, huh? Then, on the other hand, we have this huge bummer:
“Sorry husband found out. It was fun.” Female, 42, Detroit, MI
Talk about WAH WAH WAHHHHHHHH. We’re not in the business of breaking up marriages here!
As always, we remind you that with $0 and ten minutes, you could be on your way to an awesome successful booty call adventure just like our Oregon friend up there. Just, if you’re married… you know. Keep it on the DL.