TestiMOANial Tuesday

Some days are better than others. Sometimes, you wake up without the alarm, and you have just exactly enough cereal and milk, and your coffee comes out way better than usually and even though you just woke up, you don’t look like a zombie hockey player. Other days, you get food poisoning and then when you go to eat some soup to make your tummy feel better it BURNS THE EVER LIVING SH*T OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.
So, you win some, you lose some, and today we lost cause we only got one testiMOANial. Although several people who left the site did it because they started dating someone they met right here at OBC, they didn’t share their stories so we don’t get to share them with you. Boo.
Although, I guess one out of 54 weeks of success is a PRETTY DECENT RATIO.
“I met an old friend that I lost contact with and we have reunited and are now dating!” Female, 33, Worcester, MA