TestiMOANial Tuesday

They say that the first years of marriage are the most trying time in your relationship. After the honeymoon phase, it’s like, “uh… what’s next?” Such is not the case with our own relationship with our weekly testiMOANials – one year has passed and we’re just as excited as we were on day one to share stories of members on OBC finding and meeting other sexy singles, and sometimes going from booty call to twue wuv.
Here are this week’s testimonials… check them out and then head right over here to become our next success story!
“Met a really great guy on here who started off as a regular booty call, but now we’re dating monogamously. So alas, I’m deleting my account. Great site though!” Female, 22, Mentor, CO
“I met someone on here actually. I am going to see what happens. If no go I will be back, I love OBC! Thanks!” Female, 61, Clearwater, FL
“I met someone 2 years ago and we been happy ever since. Getting married next year. I love that man :)” Female, 26, Aurora, CO