TestiMOANial Tuesday

If there is one thing we’ve been shocked to see in the past 35 weeks (holy crap!) of testiMOANials, it’s that almost 100% of them have ended in long-term, fulfilling relationships. While critics of our site tend to believe that OBC is nothing but a seedy street corner with dudes trying to get a cheap thrill, the truth of the matter is that hundreds of men and women are meeting their soul mates on the site, a fact we are proud (if not a bit surprised) of. At an average of 4 – 5 testimonials per week for the past 35 weeks, we’ve shared over 150 of our favorite success stories, and we can’t wait to share more. Remember, tell your single friends – there are more sites than just eHarmony and Match (and some of em are a whole lot more fun ;) )!
“Found the best companion ever!!”Female, 26, Austin, TX
“Meet a wonderful man on here who I became friends with first before any action took place. We been together for about a year now!” Female, 38, Killeen, TX
“Met someone and got married!” Female, 49, Longwood, FL
“I’m so happy I met someome… finally!” Female, 41, San Antonio, TX