TestiMOANial Tuesday

Sometimes a person, and I won’t say who, forgets that it’s a three-day weekend and therefore forgets that Tuesday is the first day of the week and THEREFORE forgets to post the weekkly testiMOANials. Sometimes that just happens and that person is very sorry that they forgot but they realize their mistake so you shouldn’t really give them a hard time about it and they started work extra early on Wednesday (even though they worked at Mardi Gras last night till 3 am) to show you all he amazing testiMOANials that they super accidentally forgot yesterday. So here they are, and I’m seriously sorry you guys, I know you love these, AND I’M REALLY SORRY.
“When I joined this site, I was on here solely for entertainment. I had no intention of meeting anyone on here. I met someone that I began chatting with on here last year and I am head over heels for him. Thanks OBC!” Female, 49, Fredricksburg, VA
“Met someone on this site a couple months ago and now we are getting ready to take the next step… I no longer need my profile. Thanx for such a
great site … It helped me find my soon to be wife.” Male, 38, Palmdale, CA
“I found my fiance he on OBC :) THANK YOU” Female, 51, La Mirada, CA
(and my personal favorite:)
“On June 9, 2009 I met a guy who I had been messaging with on here for a couple days, and we started dating immediately. He said he fell in love with me just from my profile pic and talking to me on the computer and phone. He was very sweet and romantic with candles and roses when I arrived, and we have been together ever since. We got married on March 21, 2010 and had our first baby 2 days before our anniversary on June 7, 2010 -we are expecting baby #2 in August! Who knew a simple hook up could lead to happiness, right?!?! Certainly not what I wanted or expected when I joined this site, but I’m not complaining either! Thanks so much! :)” Female, 45, Castaic, CA