TestiMOANial Tuesday
This Tuesday, we only have one testiMOANial for you (there were others, but we thought this one deserved the spotlight).It comes from a 32 year old woman from Campbellsville, KY, who didn’t even really want to join the site. She finally did after some persistent suggestions from another member (whoever you are, we thank you, and so does she!), and after spending time on the site, she met someone and… you know what? I’ll let her tell the story!
“I only re-joined because I wanted to tell you a very interesting TRUE story… About 5 years ago I began getting random emails from a guy to join this site called OBC… When I first saw what it was I just deleted the messages… Repeatedly he kept sending me more and more invitations to this site (BTW I don’t even know who the guy is and I never met him!)… Beyond my better judgement I reluctantly joined.. Not really looking for anyone or anything in particular.
Through the process I met some pretty interesting men and some pretty perverted men too… I had to start weeding out my friend requests… And made it very clear on my profile I was not interested in a booty call, or a one night stand, or pictures of your body parts… And that I was merely looking for some one to have a decent chat with… After being on for about a month a recieved an invite from this guy… Of course I had to see first what he was looking for… After looking over his profile I found him to seem okay and safe to talk to… So I accepted his request… The very next day I recieved a message from him… And we talked for a little bit and then I was kind of giving him the cold shoulder… He eventually told me I didn’t sound interested so he was going to leave me alone… I don’t know why that bothered me so much… But I wrote him back this long lengthy message of how I had just gotten out of a really bad relationship and that I had my guards up and I was by no means trying to be rude and I would like for us to continue to chat.
We talked every single day until his membership ran out (about a month and a half)… We never met or talked over the phone the entire time… Right before his membership ended I sent him my physical email address and we began corresponding back and forth that way for about another month or so… We finally met after almost 3 months of emailing back and forth and finally speaking over the phone… We met on Mothers Day!! He met me half way at a nice resturant, where he was fortunate to meet my mother, my father and my daughter on our very FRIST date!! I know… I know… Strange… but I had to make sure he was genuine.
When he drove up I was waiting outside for him extremely nervous… He glanced over at me and smiled… It was over!! I was in love… He gave me 2 roses and we went inside… After the date we hugged… Not even a kiss… We parted ways and I could not get this man out of my mind… Apparently he felt the same… After another 3 months of dating and driving back and forth to see each other… He proposed to me… We moved in together and 6 months later (1 yr exactly of the first day we met face to face) I married that man!! I am very Happy to say that He and I have been married for 3 years and we have a beautiful 2 year old daughter together… He is the best thing that ever happened to me my daughter… He gave her the father she never had, along with a little sister…!! :) And he makes me and my family smile everyday!! And as much as I did NOT want to join your site (devine intervention was persistant)… I am so glad that I did.
Thank you for helping me find the love of my life!! We both sit back and laugh now at how we met… Because he nor I wanted anyone to know… lol.. But Now I’ll just tell anybody… :) I love that man!! Thank you again OBC for bringing us together!!! MY Family is Complete!!
Much Love, Leslie, PJ, Chrys, & Bird!!”
February 8, 2012 @ 9:48 am
THANKS Vaness – You surely can… Just be sure and have an open-mind… Anything is possible!! My story proves that… :) I wish you luck on your search!! And thanks for reading my testMOANial!! Be Blessed!!
Leslie Jewell
November 24, 2011 @ 8:03 pm
wow truly amazing i hope i have the same luck u did