Brian McKnight Wrote a Song About Anal
I’m not sure if this song is #SOTS material, but I will say 90s slow-jammer Brian McKnight’s new song for the porn site YouPorn is… um, interesting. Please let me know if you find an uncensored version.
I’m not sure if this song is #SOTS material, but I will say 90s slow-jammer Brian McKnight’s new song for the porn site YouPorn is… um, interesting. Please let me know if you find an uncensored version.
We’ve discussed in the past the fact that Florida is kind of an icky place. From their psychotic jilted husbands to their totally unreasonable laws to their public brawls, it seems like there is just something in the water that is making the people of Florida into total nutjobs. And after the most recent news […]
I repeat. WHAT IS THIS.
This photo, featuring ex-Leader of the Free World William Jefferson Clinton and three porn stars, has been circulating the web the past couple days to much laughter and (I’m sure) judgmental head-shaking. I personally shrugged it off, thinking that there were much more exciting things happening in the world than a 65-year-old dude posing with […]
You know, it’s totally your choice if you wanna get married. I know we talk a lot about being anti-marriage, but it’s really the establishment that bothers us- people getting married because they feel like it’s “the right thing to do,” realizing they weren’t “meant to be,” and then getting divorced and having their lives […]
We’ve had many debates here at BCU, deciding what is more awesome, what is more awful, and sometimes even which bath-salts-ingesting criminal is more psychotic. It was only a matter of time before we got to a little skin-crawling, cringe-worthy edition of “Which is More Embarrassing,” and today is that day! First off, we have […]
Over here on the left coast, many college students are about to get out for summer. Some are graduating which means they’ll be pushed out of the nest and left to fend for themselves in the big scary world. Obviously, the best way to celebrate this newfound independence is to spend this weekend just getting […]
I remember as a young, naive teen, picking up issues of Cosmopolitan magazine and thinking how confusing sex seemed, from all the ridiculous sex tips they dished out. From what to wear to what to say and how to lay down (or stand up), it seemed like sex was a highly specific recipe that, if […]
You might be thinking, “how is this a pleasant Mother’s Day greeting? This is gross, that woman is a horrible mother and her daughter is either a terrifying, over-sexed child or a 46-year-old woman pretending to be 16, either way it’s disgusting and doesn’t make me feel like celebrating Mother’s Day in the slightest, ew […]
In the wake of the horribly tragic Trayvon Martin story, it was a sad, but true assumption that someone would try to make a quick buck off of it. While I would have expected just about anything, the direction that one entrepreneur/evil piece of sh*t decided to go was particularly descpicable. Via ClickOrlando: An unidentified […]