The Wrong Hole
He Puts It in the Wrong Place – Watch more Funny Videos In this hilarious parody starring DJ Lubel, Taryn Southern, and Scott Baio, we learn that something that seems so wrong, can actually be right!
He Puts It in the Wrong Place – Watch more Funny Videos In this hilarious parody starring DJ Lubel, Taryn Southern, and Scott Baio, we learn that something that seems so wrong, can actually be right!
In a recent article in the local newspaper of Fargo, North Dakota, the author fell for the ultimate junior-high trick… Check out the names of the two men “digging out a parking space.” Not pictured in the photo: Hugh Jass and Ben Dover. More @ The Huffington Post
Ever wonder what to do with all those empty beer cans lying around your apartment after a huge party? You could scoop them all up into trash bags and call it a day, or you could be like this guy, and turn it into a medieval suit of armor. I dub thee Knight of Intoxica!
That’s right, another condom story! In an effort to raise STD awareness, a giant condom has been placed right in a main shopping area of Italy. The condom is so massive, in fact, that 230 people can fit inside it! Find the full story here.
This creative ad from Durex Condoms adds another point to our List of Reasons You Should Stay Single: It saves you money! A package of condoms costs you as little as $2.50, but imagine what having a kid will set you back! See more funny condom ads at
If huge, over-sized novelty items are your thing, and you enjoy totally creeping women out, these hilarious Lifestyles condom pillows should be on your Christmas list. Not only is there a tiny pocket for your real condoms (that you probably will never get to use), but inside is a giant, body length cotton condom! Hop […]
If a girl’s looks can make your head turn, it’s a good day. If that same sexy girl has the comedic chops to make you cry from laughter, you’ve got a keeper. These ladies from TV and movies today show that funny is the new sexy! 1) Tina Fey After working mostly behind the scenes […]
EMBED-Boquet Catch Fail – Watch more free videos We’re always down for a hilarious video where someone falls down so hard they may or may not have fallen unconscious. If it happens because that someone was rushing into marriage, then all the better!
If you thought filling out a 200 word bio about yourself was uncomfortable, check out this hilarious video from a video dating service called VideoMate from the 1980s! Our favorite is probably theĀ “No Fatties” guy, because everyone appreciates an honest man, even one with ridiculously unrealistic standards.
At a recent East Korean baseball game, the players caught the audience by surprise by busting out this awesome dance to a popular Korean pop song. Oh man, the money I would pay to see the Yankees get their groove on during the seventh inning stretch! Hopefully these guys play baseball better than they dance…