Death by Mentos
You can always tell a video is not going to end well when it stars a redneck with bad facial hair and no socks on. Especially if said video also involves science.
You can always tell a video is not going to end well when it stars a redneck with bad facial hair and no socks on. Especially if said video also involves science.
Every time I see a video with a title like this, like say “driver falls asleep at the wheel,” or “amusement park ride gone wrong,” or “adorable kitten murders owner by clawing out her appendix,” I think, why did I watch that? I wasn’t afraid of driving or amusement park rides and ESPECIALLY NOT KITTENS, […]
Colorado filmmaker Dan Woolley was in Haiti filming a documentary when the country was rocked by a 7.0 earthquake last Tuesday. When the building he was in collapsed on top of him, he feared he would die. That is, until he remembered he had his iPhone with him. He first used the flashlight feature to […]