A Message From the President
I repeat, April Fools is dumb. But at least this video includes fart sounds.
I repeat, April Fools is dumb. But at least this video includes fart sounds.
In unrelated news, April Fools is the dumbest holiday ever.
You know what? No. That headline is wrong. It’s really not all that great of a prank. Somewhat uncreative, really. The rubber-band-around-the-sink-hose prank is so old you could probably find it in the Bible (I think it’s the Book of Job?), but somehow the execution, repetition (3 years in a row – that’s dedication), and […]
April Fool’s Day is back in a big way on the Internet. It seems like every website HAS to come up with some ridiculous prank or else the entire year is just a waste. “Sorry guys no paychecks this year unless everyone is convinced that Apple is now engineering iToilets. Get to work.” Needless to […]