Super Sexy CPR
Forget old 80s VHS tapes with men in Coke-bottle glasses and salmon colored shirts, because this video, made by the Canadian Fortnight Lingerie company, is far and beyond the best CPR instructional video we’ve seen in… well, more than a fortnight, that’s for sure.
It stars two unbelievably hot ladies clad only in bras and panties, giving you the step by step directions on how to properly administer CPR, from “check for danger” (crawl around in your skivvies) to “tilt head back and administer two breaths” (TWO CHICK MAKING OUT), to begin “chest compressions” (THEY’RE FONDLING EACH OTHER OH MY GOD) to “repeat the cycle” (you guessed it: more making out; more fondling).
Had you played this for me at age 14, I think I might still remember how to do CPR, instead thinking it consisted of blowing in someone’s face and then punching them in the sternum.