Start Your Tuesday With People Getting the SH*T Scared Out of Them
I hate scary movies. I hate haunted houses. I hate anything that purposefully scares you for “fun”. What is “fun” about inducing nightmares or thinking you might be murdered by an axe-wielding maniac? Yeah, NOTHIN’.
But what IS fun is watching OTHER people get the ever-living piss scared out of them, especially when they aren’t expecting it – like in this viral ad for the new Carrie remake, starring ChloĆ« Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore. I will NOT be seeing the movie, but yeah, I will watch this four or five times today. Classic.
October 13, 2013 @ 6:56 am
That was SO COOL!!! I only WISH I was there!! I’d have been like a big kid and screamed (out loud) “This is SO COOL, MAN!! WOW!!!” :-D
I wonder where they did this!! I’ll BET it was in NY. Damn.